How To Develop Yourself As An L&D Professional

How to Develop Yourself

Firstly we need to establish what is really meant by ‘developing yourself’.

Let’s take it as a given that your employer has an excellent Performance Management process in place; that you have regular reviews and appraisals; that you understand your job and what is expected of you; what your goals and objectives are and how you will achieve them; you know the relevance of your job within the strategic plan of the company and the impact your job has within it.

Let’s go on to say that this robust process motivates you and gives you great job satisfaction. This in turn leads to you being fully engaged within your organisation and perhaps provides a basis for rewards and incentives. You get fantastic support from your line manager from whom you get regular feedback on your performance.

An ideal scenario!

However, despite the structure of the Performance Management process, it is still necessary to think about continual professional development in order to maintain the high standards you have set yourself and those expected by your organisation.

The most effective way to do this is by undertaking an assessment of your performance – not based necessarily, or wholly on the performance management within your company. The CIPD have devised a practical tool for CIPD Members that will allow you to develop yourself as an L&D or HR Professional.

Many of you that have studied CIPD qualifications with Oakwood International will be familiar with the CIPD HR Profession Map.

The Profession Map identifies core knowledge, skills and behaviours against which you can measure your performance and identify your strengths and development areas by rating yourself against a series of statements.
A personalised report is available for you to download and use as part of your CPD plan.

So in summary – Continuing Professional Development is about ensuring that you have the necessary skills with which to undertake your current role, identify areas you need to work on, adjust your behaviours accordingly and create opportunities for you to advance your knowledge.

The CIPD HR Profession Map is the ideal tool with which to make the goal of achieving meaningful personal development a reality.

Please contact us today if you would like to find out more about our CIPD programmes or get in touch at

Picture of Fleur Blanford

Fleur Blanford

Fleur is Oakwood's Head of International Studies and works in our UK Office

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How To Develop Yourself As An L&D Professional

Firstly we need to establish what is really meant by ‘developing yourself’.

How to Develop Yourself
Picture of Fleur Blanford

Fleur Blanford

Fleur is Oakwood's Head of International Studies and works in our UK Office

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